Creative Curriculum

We believe each child learns best based on their own interests. Lesson plans are based on the Creative Curriculum and also for each child’s needs; spiritually, developmentally, emotionally, and socially.

Our staff works with families to develop a curriculum that emerges from the children’s interests. Studies for exploration emerge from the conversations of and with children, through community and family events, and thorough knowledge of individual children’s particular interests. Teachers and parents work as a team to formulate “threads” of learning to guide the direction of the children’s projects. These threads transform into studies in which the topic is immersed in all developmental learning areas. By allowing the child to explore many different learning centers we create the best opportunity for knowledge to grow.

We strive to incorporate Christian values and beliefs into each lesson and infuse these teachings into our everyday routines. The biblical values are intertwined with everyday learning so that children can see how Jesus’ teachings are important in everything we do.

What is Creative Curriculum?
Crossroads Child Learning Center has selected The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers, & Twos and The Creative Curriculum for Preschool. This curriculum provides a framework that is based upon sound theory and research in early learning, knowledge of child development, the role of the teacher, partnering with families, what children learn, and creating responsive learning environments. It provides opportunities for children to grow socially, physically, intellectually, creatively, and emotionally. Lifelong skills of problem-solving, divergent thinking and conflict resolution are practiced daily within the context of real and relevant learning experiences provides opportunities for children to grow socially, physically, intellectually, creatively, and emotionally. Lifelong skills based on play, relationships, and discovery. Creative Curriculum is cross-walked with the PA State Standards.

The Infant & Toddler Program is based upon the caregiving relationship and routines. Infants and toddlers are learning who they are and what they are capable of in each of the small moments spent with nurturing adults. Creative Curriculum helps teachers achieve the very best program for children under three. Teachers plan experiences that are appropriately challenging and supporting growth and development as infants, ones, and twos learn about themselves and others, learn about moving, learn about their world, and learn about communicating.

The Preschool Program specifies the literacy, math, science, social studies, art, and technology to be taught, cross-walked with pa state standards. For young children, meaningful and lifelong learning requires active thinking and experimenting to find out how things work. This is best accomplished through purposeful lay facilitated by highly intentional teaching practices.